So cool!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Stroke of (a) genius
So I've been trying to bone up on my inking skills lately, and so I've been scouring the interwebs for new, different pen/brush techniques to little avail. And, lo, I stumbled on an artist that at once melted my face off with awesomness! While reading Proof, there was a secondary story drawn and inked by one Connor Willumsen that reminded me of Paul Pope's style, yet very unique.
At any rate I was thoroughly impressed by his body of work that includes comics and some definitely boss illustration work. And he's a spring chicken at only 22! That makes me feel all old and stuff :3 An inspiration for sheezy!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Ahhhh... the 80's.

Here's some scans I got from my family's Childcraft encyclopedias. I've been looking for a particular late 70's-early 80's illustration style and rummaged though some old books. Hilarity! These photos are are a good indication of why we young people in our twenties are love kitchy crap from childhood. I love the image of the small child using the saw! We need to trust kids in workshops more often :) Oh, and the shell cleaning one is disturbing- just gather the animal-cruelty endorsed in the snippets of text. Good times. Serial killers in training. At any rate, nice, clean drawings+creepy subjects+hideous colors=fun childhood!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Gutenberg's my homeboy
...and this one showcasing Hatch Show Print. That's how you make a poster! If you like it, check out 36point's episode with these dudes.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Sound like some Janky bizness to me...

So it just so happens that my favorite indie hip-hop labelStones Throw Records also makes my favorite album art hands-down. And I gonna go out on a limb and say that their art director Jeff Jank has something to do with it =3 He has an awesome respect for the dying art of the album cover that I'm sure we can all relate to and mourn. It seems that everything he touches is just sweeter than hell, right down to the little jpegs attached to the periodic podcast mixtapes (say that 3x fast). StonesThrow=so good=Jeff Jank!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
School Daze!

OMG! So sorry kind peoples! I've probably lost anyone who's ever looked at this blog with my terrible tardiness!! I'm blaming it on the new school year. That's my story and I'm sticking to it :P Anyway, things seem much more stable; moving's done, school is in full swing and my new work schedule is now ingrained into my circadian rhythm.
So here's a piece I'm submitting to a rad, local eco-friendly company called Green Element , and hopefully they like it! I went through a few drafts, but decided to go for a vintage Fillmore poster style. I think it's pretty rad. Gonna see about colors and such soon, so stay tuned! C U soon (promise).
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Sorry! :(
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Iceland is cool. (pun intended)

It looks like a fractal with those unreal colors. Here's an oldie combining the stunning natural beauty with Björk's "Joga" and some awesome video processing:
And I just saw this while looking for some street art samples. It combines a painted wall piece with projected images. So cool.
It's all got a very unique style that I think draws so well from their environment in such a beautiful way. The colors I see used in buildings and art; the sparse and haunting chords and vocals of the music (traditional and contemporary) all seem to to be taken directly from the local pallette. I love seeing art as a mirror that shows our immediate perceptions and reactions to our habitat. Even their economy is very self-sufficient in their long use of geothermal energy to heat and power their homes and even run their cars! Never ceases to amaze me.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Outta the way, jerk-ass!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
'Nuff sed.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
God is in the details... Sometimes there's a kickass demon in there too.

Monday, June 23, 2008
The Reflex Blue Show!!