Here's some scans I got from my family's Childcraft encyclopedias. I've been looking for a particular late 70's-early 80's illustration style and rummaged though some old books. Hilarity! These photos are are a good indication of why we young people in our twenties are love kitchy crap from childhood. I love the image of the small child using the saw! We need to trust kids in workshops more often :) Oh, and the shell cleaning one is disturbing- just gather the animal-cruelty endorsed in the snippets of text. Good times. Serial killers in training. At any rate, nice, clean drawings+creepy subjects+hideous colors=fun childhood!
I like the bloodlessness/non-messiness of the clam stabbing. It might as well be a piece of plastic.
I also like the creepy zipper head doll. If my kid ever fashioned one of those in his spare time I'd call the fucking cops. Seriously, how much free time do kids really have.
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